Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

對你的狂熱 它特別狂
Dui ni de kuang re ta te bie kuang
小心火燭 拿出強心臟
Xiao xin huo zhu na chu qiang xin zang
Gotta Get Get
保持清醒 狂熱 Lit Lit
Bao chi qing xing kuang re Lit Lit

What you gonna do
問題深太狂熬不想狂聊 (Work work)
Wen ti shen tai kuang ao bu xiang kuang liao (Work work)
Rari on the move 只想狂飆 (Skr skr)
Rari on the move zhi xiang kuang biao (Skr skr)
Jie zou quan mian zhong ji kuang fang
Wu ding zai fa tang wen du shao de wo you dian kuang

不是狂妄 只是有點狂
Bu shi kuang wang zhi shi you dian kuang
對我喜歡的 要特別狂
Dui wo xi huan de yao te bie kuang
我的行事曆 特別忙
Wo de xing shi li te bie mang
但為了你 我甘願下場
Dan wei le ni wo gan yuan xia chang
Yea I pull through with the range rover
Hey mama 黑曼巴 出手就是 Game over
Hey mama hei man ba chu shou jiu shi Game over
Every day every thang 狂熱不是偶爾
Every day every thang kuang re bu shi ou er
電流遍佈全身 瓦數伏特 + 像索爾
Dian liu bian bu quan shen wa shu fu te + xiang suo er

熱血不是在於富足 滿足付出 別詫異這出入
Re xue bu shi zai yu fu zu man zu fu chu bie cha yi zhe chu ru
別在意數目 給妳完美輸出
Bie zai yi shu mu gei nai wan mei shu chu
心中有個底數 我擁有的力度
Xin zhong you ge di shu wo yong you de li du

Bling bling Trice ice 行頭像樣
Bling bling Trice ice xing tou xiang yang
保持飢渴 不用裝 Forever young
Bao chi ji ke bu yong zhuang Forever young
保持飢餓感直到 I’m dead and done
Bao chi ji e gan zhi dao I’m dead and done
不用活得忐忑 Me? Chosen One
Bu yong huo de tan te Me? Chosen One

Repeat *

Repeat **

Yea 尾燈 Lights on
Yea wei deng Lights on
閃光 Shine on yea
Shan guang Shine on yea
Yin bo er zhong dang yang
舞出狂野 Ok (狂野 Ok)
Wu chu kuang ye Ok (kuang ye Ok)

Ao shi tai yang
Yea it’s going down yea
Jie zou quan mian zhong ji kuang fang
Ai de tai feng kuang mei cuo wo jiu shi you dian kuang

左腳右腳 Now dance with me now come on (Hot)
Zuo jiao you jiao Now dance with me now come on (Hot)
左手右手 Now bounce with me now come on
Zuo shou you shou Now bounce with me now come on
現場氛圍絕對 Hot to be you know it
Xian chang fen wei jue dui Hot to be you know it
這感覺不會錯 I’m the beast we stuntin
Zhe gan jue bu hui cuo I’m the beast we stuntin
不會瞎說 Yea this shh going down
Bu hui xia shuo Yea this shh going down
狂人狂語 由 我來打個樣
Kuang ren kuang yu you wo lai da ge yang
把你雙手 纏在我的肩膀上
Ba ni shuang shou chan zai wo de jian bang shang
得體得體 MAMI 盡情狂 我們盡情狂
De ti de ti MAMI jin qing kuang wo men jin qing kuang

Light it up 不熄燈我們不走
Light it up bu xi deng wo men bu zou
Ye huo shao bu jin nei xin de nu huo
Bie qu cai ce shen me ru guo de ru guo
Huo chu wan mei jie guo bu yao xiang ge lu ren lu guo
Now erbody erbody 瘋狂跳動
Now erbody erbody feng kuang tiao dong
Now erbody erbody 人潮波動
Now erbody erbody ren chao bo dong
Now erbody erbody 別抗拒節奏
Now erbody erbody bie kang ju jie zou
就是要 Get up 要 Turn up 站上那狂熱的頂峰
Jiu shi yao Get up yao Turn up zhan shang na kuang re de ding feng

Repeat *

Repeat **

Repeat ***

Repeat ****

By GudSong

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