Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
Baguslah, kurasa kau mudah tinggalkan masa lalu

You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks
Kau berjumpa gadis lain dan hanya butuh beberapa minggu

Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world
Aku ingat saat kau bilang bahwa kau ingin memberiku dunia

And good for you, I guess that you’ve been working on yourself
Dan baguslah, kurasa kau telah berusaha

I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped
Kurasa ahli terapi yang kutemukan untukku, dia sungguh membantu

Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl
Kini kau bisa jadi lelaki yang lebih baik bagi gadismu yang baru

Well good for you

You look happy and healthy, not me
Kau terlihat bahagia dan sehat, tidak denganku

If you ever cared to ask
Andai kau bertanya

Good for you

You’re doing great out there without me, baby
Kau baik-baik saja di luar sana tanpaku, kasih

God, I wish that I could do that
Tuhan, andai aku bisa begitu

I’ve lost my mind
Aku hilang akal

I’ve spent the night
Kuhabiskan malam

Crying on the floor of my bathroom
Menangis di lantai kamar mandi

But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it
Tapi kau tak terpengaruh, aku tak mengerti

But I guess good for you
Tapi baguslah

Well good for you, I guess you’re getting everything you want
Baguslah, kurasa kau dapatkan semua yang kau mau

You bought a new car and your career’s really taking off
Kau membeli mobil baru dan karirmu menanjak

It’s like we never even happened, baby
Seakan tak ada cerita antara kita

What the fuck is up with that?
Kok begitu?

And good for you, it’s like you never even met me
Baguslah, seakan kau tak pernah bertemu denganku

Remember when you swore to God I was the only
Kuingat saat kau bersumpah hanya akulah

Person who ever got you
Orang yang memahamimu

Well, screw that and screw you
Sungguh membagongkan

You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do
Kau takkan perlu rasakan sakit sepertiku

Well good for you

You look happy and healthy, not me
Kau terlihat bahagia dan sehat, tidak denganku

If you ever cared to ask
Andai kau bertanya

Good for you

You’re doing great out there without me, baby
Kau baik-baik saja di luar sana tanpaku, kasih

God, I wish that I could do that
Tuhan, andai aku bisa begitu

I’ve lost my mind
Aku hilang akal
I’ve spent the night
Kuhabiskan malam
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
Menangis di lantai kamar mandi
But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it
Tapi kau tak terpengaruh, aku tak mengerti
But I guess good for you
Tapi baguslah

Maybe I’m too emotional
Mungkin aku terlalu emosi

But your apathy’s like a wound in salt
Tapi ketakpedulianmu bagai luka tersiram garam

Maybe I’m too emotional
Mungkin aku terlalu emosi

Or maybe you never cared at all
Atau mungkin kau tak pernah peduli

Maybe I’m too emotional
Mungkin aku terlalu emosi

Your apathy’s like a wound in salt
Ketakpedulianmu bagai luka tersiram garam

Maybe I’m too emotional
Mungkin aku terlalu emosi

Or maybe you never cared at all
Atau mungkin kau tak pernah peduli

Well good for you

You look happy and healthy, not me
Kau terlihat bahagia dan sehat, tidak denganku

If you ever cared to ask
Andai kau bertanya

Good for you

You’re doing great out there without me, baby
Kau baik-baik saja di luar sana tanpaku, kasih

God, I wish that I could do that
Tuhan, andai aku bisa begitu

I’ve lost my mind
Aku hilang akal
I’ve spent the night
Kuhabiskan malam
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
Menangis di lantai kamar mandi
But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it
Tapi kau tak terpengaruh, aku tak mengerti
But I guess good for you
Tapi baguslah

Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
Baguslah, kurasa kau mudah tinggalkan masa lalu

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By GudSong

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