Tue. Oct 1st, 2024

Song Lyrics and Translation

Raisa – Biarkanlah 

(Let It Be)

Writter(s) Gerald Situmorang, Haris Pranowo, Raisa Andriana



Berat bila terpaksa mengingat

It feels hard if we’re force to remember
Akhir dari cerita sempurna

The ending of a perfect story
Yang kita coba pertahankan

That we tried to keep it
Namun berujung jua

But nevertheless ended

Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrongm, now it doesn’t means anything


Let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
As hard as possible, I have to let it go

Waktu terus akan berlalu
Time will eventually pass

Tanpa mungkin Ia menunggu

Without the possibility for me to wait
Seberat apapun hatimu

No matter how hard your heart is
Akan berujung jua

It will nevertheless ended

Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrongm, now it doesn’t means anything


Let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
As hard as possible, I have to let it go

Tiada pemenang

There will be no winner
Kau dan aku hanya bisa bertahan

You and I can only hold on to it.
Sekuat tenaga kau harus melepasnya

With all your strongest power you have to let it go
Kau harus melepasnya

You have to let it go

Relakan semua yang telah berakhir

Let go of all that has ended.
Takkan berubah yang pernah terukir

Will not change what has been engraved
Walau air mata mengalir

Even if the tears flow

Benar atau salah kini tiada berarti
Right or wrongm, now it doesn’t means anything


Let it be
Sekuat tenaga ku harus melepasnya
As hard as possible, I have to let it go

Tiada pemenang

There will be no winner
Kau dan aku hanya bisa bertahan

You and I can only hold on to it.
Sekuat tenaga kau harus melepasnya

With all your strongest power you have to let it go


Seberat apapun hatimu

No matter how hard your heart is
Akan berujung jua

It will nevertheless ended

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By GudSong

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