Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Wnglish Translation
Mahalini – Sial 
Writter(s) Mahalini, Mohammed Kamga & Andmesh Kamaleng

 [Verse 1]
Sampai saat ini tak terpikir olehku
Until now I can’t imagine
Aku pernah beri rasa pada orang sepertimu
I’ve given a feeling to someone like you.
Seandainya sejak awal tak kuyakinkan diriku
If only I hadn’t convinced myself from the beginning
Tutur kata yang sempurna, tak sebaik yang kukira
Perfect speech, not as good as I thought

Andai ‘ku tahu semua akan sia-sia

If I knew that all would be in vain
Takkan kut’rima cinta sesaatmu
I will not accept your momentary love

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu?
What about me who already loves you?
Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
You come give a hope, and then leave and disappear
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar’namu
It didn’t occur to you, my heart breaks because of you
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Without any reason, you left without saying goodbye
Takkan kut’rima cinta sesaatmu
I will not accept your momentary love

[Verse 2]

Seandainya sejak awal tak kuyakinkan diriku
If only I hadn’t convinced myself from the beginning
Tutur kata yang sempurna, tak sebaik yang kukira

Perfect speech, not as good as I thought


Andai ‘ku tahu semua akan sia-sia 

If I knew that all would be in vain
Takkan kut’rima cinta sesaatmu
I will not accept your momentary love

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu?
What about me who already loves you?

Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
You come give a hope, and then leave and disappear
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar’namu
It didn’t occur to you, my heart breaks because of you
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Without any reason, you left without saying goodbye
Takkan kut’rima cinta sesaatmu

I will not accept your momentary love

Sial-sialnya ‘ku bertemu dengan cinta semu

Damn it, I met a pseudo love.
Tertipu tutur dan caramu
Fooled by your words and your ways
Seolah cintaiku (Cintaiku)
As if you love me (Love me)
Puas kaucurangi aku?
Are you satisfied that you have cheated me?

Bagaimana dengan aku terlanjur mencintaimu? (Cintaimu) 

What about me who already loves you?

Yang datang beri harapan, lalu pergi dan menghilang
You come give a hope, and then leave and disappear
Tak terpikirkan olehmu, hatiku hancur kar’namu
It didn’t occur to you, my heart breaks because of you
Tanpa sedikit alasan, pergi tanpa berpamitan
Without any reason, you left without saying goodbye
Takkan kut’rima cinta sesaatmu

I will not accept your momentary love


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By GudSong

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