Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Song Lyrics
Yovie Widianto feat. Lyodra, Tiara Andini, Ziva Magnolya – Menyesal (Regret) 
Writter(s) Yovie Widianto

 Semula ku tak yakin
At first I wasn’t sure
Kau lakukan ini padaku
That you did this to me
Meski di hati merasa
Even though in my heart I feel
Kau berubah saat kau mengenal dia
That you changed when you got to know her

Bila cinta tak lagi untukku
If your love is no longer for me
Bila hati tak lagi padaku
If your heart is no longer mine
Mengapa harus dia yang merebut dirimu
Why did it have to be her, who had to take you from me

Bila aku tak baik untukmu
When I’m not good for you
Dan bila dia bahagia dirimu
And if with her you feel happy
Aku ‘kan pergi meski hati tak akan rela
I will go even though this heart will not be willing

Terkadang ku menyesal
Sometimes I regret
Mengapa ku kenalkan dia padamu
Why did I introduce her to you
Bila cinta tak lagi untukku
If your love is no longer for me

Bila hati tak lagi padaku
If your heart is no longer mine
Mengapa harus dia yang merebut dirimu
Why did it have to be her, who had to take you from me

Bila aku tak baik untukmu
When I’m not good for you
Dan bila dia bahagia dirimu

And if with her you feel happy
Aku ‘kan pergi meski hati tak akan rela
I will go even though this heart will not be willing

Bila cinta tak lagi untukku
If your love is no longer for me

Bila hati tak lagi padaku
If your heart is no longer mine
Mengapa harus dia yang merebut dirimu
Why did it have to be her, who had to take you from me

Bila aku tak baik untukmu
When I’m not good for you
Dan bila dia bahagia dirimu

And if with her you feel happy
Aku ‘kan pergi meski hati tak akan rela
I will go even though this heart will not be willing

Terkadang ku menyesal
Sometimes I regret

Mengapa ku kenalkan dia padamu
Why did I introduce her to you

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By GudSong

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