Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

Song Lyrics and Translation
Raisa – Usai Di Sini
(End Up In Here)
Writter(s) Haris Pranowo & Raisa



 [Verse 1]
Pedihnya tanya yang tak terjawab
It hurts to ask an unanswered question
Mampu menjatuhkanku yang dikira tegar
It can bring me down who was thought to be tough
Kau tepikan aku, kau renggut mimpi
You pushed me aside, you took away the dream
Yang dulu kita ukir bersama
The dream that we used to carve together
Seolah aku tak pernah jadi bagian besar dalam hari-harimu
As if I was never be a big part of your days

Lebih baik kita usai di sini
We better end up in here
Sebelum cerita indah tergantikan pahitnya sakit hati
Before our beautiful story is replaced by bitter heartache
Bukannya aku mudah menyerah, tapi bijaksana
Not that I give up with easily, but try to be wise
Mengerti kapan harus berhenti
Understand when to stop
Ku kan menunggu, tapi tak selamanya
I will wait for you but not forever

[Verse 2]
Kau tepikan aku, kau renggut mimpi
You pushed me aside, you took away the dream
Yang dulu kita ukir bersama
We used to carve together
Seolah aku tak pernah jadi bagian besar dalam hari-harimu
As if I was never be a big part of your days
Seolah janji dan kata-kata yang telah terucap kehilangan arti
As if the promises and words that were spoken lost their meaning

Lebih baik kita usai di sini
We better end up in here

Sebelum cerita indah tergantikan pahitnya sakit hati
Before our beautiful story is replaced by bitter heartache
Bukannya aku mudah menyerah, tapi bijaksana
Not that I give up with easily, but try to be wise
Mengerti kapan harus berhenti

Understand when to stop
Ku kan menunggu, tapi tak selamanya
I will wait for you but not forever

Tak akan jera kupercaya cinta

I will not give up, I believe in love
Manis dan pahitnya kan kuterima
I will accept the sweet and the bitter of love
Kini kisah kita akhiri dengan makna
Now our story, we end it with meaning


Lebih baik kita usai di sini
We better end up in here

Sebelum cerita indah tergantikan pahitnya sakit hati
Before our beautiful story is replaced by bitter heartache
Bukannya aku mudah menyerah, tapi bijaksana
Not that I give up with easily, but try to be wise
Mengerti kapan harus berhenti

Understand when to stop
Ku kan menunggu, tapi tak selamanya
I will wait for you but not forever

Ku kan menanti

I will wait for you
Tapi tak selamanya
But not forever

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By GudSong

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