Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

窗外 燈火點亮了 少了一個人的晚餐
Chuang wai deng huo dian liang le shao le yi ge ren de wan can
狂歡 在 派對結束後 只留下微弱的晚安
Kuang huan zai pai dui jie shu hou zhi liu xia wei ruo de wan an
選擇 放手 面對 這一切 所有愛的恨的都來吧
Xuan ze fang shou mian dui zhe yi qie suo you ai de hen de dou lai ba
決定 自己 好好走
Jue ding zi ji hao hao zou

So am I the only one who feels lonely
With no one to hold me and nowhere to go
Can’t wait for forever it’s now or it’s never
To end up together or end up alone

Cause I tried so hard just to feel different
I told my heart to learn to live with it
I know it’s all in my head
So am I the only one who feels lonely
With no one to hold me and nowhere to go

空無 一人的房間 關掉回憶道別從前
Kong wu yi ren de fang jian guan diao hui yi dao bie cong qian
沒有 妳 失去你的我 只剩下勇敢的自己
Mei you ni shi qu ni de wo zhi sheng xia yong gan de zi ji
拒絕 後悔 凝視 這一切 所有好的壞的都來吧
Ju jue hou hui ning shi zhe yi qie suo you hao de huai de dou lai ba
決定 自己 好好走
Jue ding zi ji hao hao zou

Repeat *

Repeat **

By GudSong

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